Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cops Drinking Game

Cops Drinking Game Rules

Drink 1 drink every time:

1) A cop has a mustache. Drink 1 for each new cop on screen with a mustache.

2) A cop says “perp” or “party”.

3) A victim/suspect has a mullet.

4) A cop asks “do you have anything on you that I should know about?” or “do you have any weapons/drugs on you?”

5) The cop finds something on them or in the car.

6) A suspect flees (drink the entire time the suspect is fleeing. Does not count if the cop enters a chase in progress).

7) The particular scene is for domestic abuse (drink a full beer if its for a woman beating a man).

8) A woman calls the cops on her husband for beating her, but doesn’t want to press charges, chug the remainder of your beer and slap the person next to you.

9) Drink once for each tranny on screen.

10) A victim/suspect is shoeless.

11) A suspect is given a field sobriety test (drink a full beer if they fall during test).

12) If the suspect says “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Drink a full beer if:

1) A person is shirtless, with a beer gut, and a mullet.

2) The show has at least 2 prostitutes…that are dudes.

If the actual cops show up at the place while you are playing the Cops drinking game, drink a beer for each participant until someone gets cuffed.

Thanks to those that assisted in the editing of these rules. I'll shotgun a beer for your help. And don't blame me if you get wasted. I'm innocent until proven guilty in a court of law bitch. Who's gonna prosecute the Gov?

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